Ten Secrets
Write tensecrets (or things people don't know) about yourself.
1. Sometimes I'm too scared to go to bed before ten o'clock in case I don't get to sleep.
2. My two favourite comfort foods are a m'n'm McFlurry and two pieces of toast- one with peanut butter, the other with nutella.
3. Most days I spend more time on chosing which earings to wear than doing my hair.
4. I used to bag out bikinis with a passion, and I bought two on sale on Sunday, wore one of them for the first time at the beach that afternoon, and it was the best feeling in the world.
5. When I'm with Ashleigh and Heather, I feel the most comfortable being myself- together they have the knowledge (and probably the power) to explain me and guess my every move.
6. When I turn 18, I'm more excited about being able to go to live music gigs rather than legally drinking.
7. Even though I can't stand POP music, my music listening is 'pop' related- I listen to albums to death, then move on and listen to something else. (Although there are quite a few exceptions to this rule!). I'm always on the hunt for new music.
8. I waste most of my money on food, chai lattes, notebooks, pens and bargains that I won't really need.
9. I'm constantly comparing music profiles on lastfm, watching what I listen to on lastfm and expanding my music taste by watching other people's profiles.
10. I have an obsession with patterns and polka dots- as seen by my wallet, glasses case, pencil case, notebooks, boardshorts, handbags, swimmers etc. I didn't realise this until someone pointed it out to me :P.
Now copy and paste this in your blog and fill it out!
Thirsty Merc Live!
Thirsty Merc were AMAZING live!!
More on this later!!
1:05 PM | Labels: amazing, live, music, the metro, thirsty merc | 0 Comments
Just think strawberry fields and a sprinkle of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and thats how I am feeling. The added bonus of the flu is just wonderful. Oh, the over dramatic nature of me!
9:44 PM | Labels: allusion to the Beatles, flu, lucy, strawberry fields | 0 Comments