I've been using yahoo messenger. I like it i think because i can set my status to 'invisible'.
Iwas feeling so good.. and now i just feel.. blah.
I'd like to know what is going on inside my head.


Janine said...

Darling wonderful Emily.
Let's catch up soon, let me know when you're free :) We'll grab coffee and sit at a park. Or we'll go for a driving adventure somewhere.
Either way, I miss you, I hope you're doing alright.

You're amazing, and so strong. Keep it up, love. You'll get there.

Also, Yahoo messenger is so fun. MSN and I have fallen out.

emozlie said...

yes, i'd love too catch up darling nin!!
I say, driving adventure and then coffee in random places :D!
I miss you too ! Thanks, I am getting there, i just don't write when I'm feeling alright in here. Things have definitely gotten better. Hope you've been well!! Miss you so much xoxoox