I'm learning a lot at the moment...well i'm not if the word is 'learn', but i've had a collection of experiences over the last few weeks- and i feel like i'm somehow coming together! I miss quite a few people though... Nin, if you are reading this, we must go on an adventure ! :D Come over for a few days and i'll take you to my favourite place in Manly! And Skye- we must meet soon! Remind me to send some letters.

And that's it really- i'm cruising along...

Oh the irony! Today i worked 8-8. And i had the flu. So i was coughing and spluttering and cursing my inability to be able to take strong flu medicine and advising people on what they should take. I hate being sick.


Me + Random at Nevereverland. :D

summer cleaning!

woooo just finished a big clean up/tidy up of the house / my room. feels good to have a tidy room. i used this spray for the floor though and now my room smells like manufactured flowers... quite strongly actually! So now I evacuate....

family life

Sometimes i just don't get it! The absurdity of life and situations, the complexities I continue to learn of which obliterate any childhood hopes or ways of thinking i hold on to. For once I will say, ignorance is bliss. Only in some situations. BUt the thing is ... well i actually just forgot what i was writing about. Oh yeah, i remember, family life.

Tell me something i don't know
Something I can't feel
Give me more than your words
More than I can see
In my mind your are
The father and king of kings
But in reality
We are only human
And who are you
To disagree with humanity?

I don't know what you say
Or know what you mean
Miscommunication flies across
A silver screen
Just tell me what you mean
And not what you say
We're on two different ships
And we're floating away....

I need you to show me how to escape.

I'm so tired its not funny. And instead of writing this i should be in bed. But even that seems like such a hard task, So i'll just sit here and type and hope for the best. Really wanted to go to a blues nite tonight, but i'm sooo stuffed. I think festivals do that for you.. my jeans and top smell like sweat, beer and cigarettes- and i didn't smoke or drink. They are sitting in my dirty clothes basket in the middle of my room. WHy in the middle i don't know. POintless rambling here, lalalalla. Presets were awweeesome. So were the klaxons, ladyhawke etc. Nevereverland was a good festival! And OMGOSH cute indie photographers! :o! well ione actually. I've never been anywhere before where i've seen more try hard indies in my life. Only got hit on twice?? I swear dance drugs and alcohol can fuck up a lot of people... I'm just glad matt was there! when i found out i had free tickets saturday morning i made frantic phone callls... met up with jack and another guy thats in my grade that i can't remember the name of afterwards justin maybe??....... so navigated our way home with them. Taxis from mall to home cost $27.10 .This is really making no sense, just thoughts eerywhere. oh well.. a bottle of water cost $4 there. more economical to buy beer. didn't though... music was fantastic... was right up the front, made friends with security guards, he kept giving us water. Last song i got squashed to death. One stage couldn't move!! But was alll good! don't wear thongs to the hordern pavillon EVER. The band Hervules or something was AMAZING. think latin, jazz and electro all jumbled to gether.! There was also a random band called the whitest guy or boy or something... they were from germany and were really funny.. i got to meet him :D! well shake hands with him and try to speak and not hear anything. aaah presets were reallly gooooooood. and random guys jumping on stage during their performance ws funny.. the look on their faces was priceless! so yeha all round great night,........... such a sloppy blogpost, i seem to write in dot points when i am tired. well dot point sentences. oh well just consider it a stream of consciousness. anyway that sleep thing.. i should probably get some. ooh in a couple of days some photographers will upload their photos so i'll get to get a few of me looking pretty stupid. yay. I'll leave you with ladyhawke 'stop.. playing with my delirium....'. ook goodnight and lets hope my next blog makes sense.

Presets were AMAZING!

Ok, now i must sleep. Since it is 2:15am in the morning.


I keep coming back to my blog to write something, but i can't seem to express it.
Ever since i made the decision to finish my hsc through tafe next year, everything has been so good, i've been happy. It's weird, but i've been waiting for something to go wrong.. I'm not used to feeling ok all the time. Like when i've started going down i've been able to catch myself and bring myelf back.. maybe i have a sense of impending doom. Hahaha i shouldn't be complaining... i guess i feel like i might be doing something horribly wrong but not know it...... i guess everything feels completely different, and i'm so excited about next year , but a bit of me is going "what on earth is going on???'. I feel like this is the best i've felt since i can remember- i feel alive and free in a sense... I'm just not used to feeling like this, its been so long since i've felt 'happy'. YAY FOR THE CORRECT AMOUNT OF DRUGS, LIFE CHOICES, SLEEP, LIFE BALANCING AND HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've been trying to write a meaningful blog for the last few days now. But i can't seem to articulate what's been going on, I've just been enjoying everything! It's amazing what a decision can do - I'm so excited about next year now!!
So apart from being attacked by a ferret, being addicted to QC and having a blast at insitu, those are the real events that stand out. Ever since thursday its been great :D

I guess i'm not in a blogging mood.. hehe oh well .


Maybe i'm feeling what is beyond words?? ON TOP OF THE WORLD, BABY!

Okay, maybe not that hyped up.

Funniest comic.

schoolies was great!

and i've now decided what i am going to do next year. such a relief.