update for the blog.

Ok it feels as though i haven't written in here for ages. The last two weeks have been woaha- i think its only been the last few days i've actually stopped to process it all. Tafe is going well- i'm so over public transport... but hey, who isn't......... 

It's been really strange how my friendships have been working out. As i've been at tafe and as now this week everyone goes to uni..... i've kept in contact with the people who i didn't think i would. Well i mean developed friendships that i didn't really have in school. But its cool- its like school didn't let me or something. Anyway, i'm actually a bit scared about this week- maybe i have this thing like i'll be forgotten. I know i won't be, but it's like i'm just floating right now. 

I've become closer to my dad... and steve's just moved in. There hasn't really been a constant in my life..... well there has but i have shoved it off. I'm not so good at keeping relationships with god. Why? i don't know. I struggle to keep that constant thing going. But yeah, i'm human. It comes in my package. 

I'm a bit nervous how things are going to work out. I've survived change before but its still like woaha. And i just realised my sister changed my mouse around. Change is in the air!!!! And on my computer. it would be good if before she changed my 'peripherals' around.

This is odd. I'm writing in paragraphs. I never do this. Ever. 

And now i don't know what to write, or what to put here. I'm floating around.. and i didn't handle things well last tuesday night. At all. But i've learnt my lesson i hope.