late but not that late night ramble

Ibuprofen + Codeine = best thing in the world. For physical pain! And quite funnily, when i am physically feeling better, my mood dramatically increases. Must be a link. I should really go to bed... today i did a few things around the house, had a bit of a blues day i suppose. But it was productive.... a year ago i would have stayed home... maybe have a shower.. spend the whole day on the couch watching midday tv rubbish. Got to keep reminding myself that i have got better, and the worse has been. I can't go to the V festival- couldn't get out of work... Crap, i need to call Tavis... i'll do that now! Nowish. My phone should arrive by the end of the week!!! Hopefully. And i'll also find out whether i'll get youth allowance. I reallllly hope i do... if i don't, i'll need to start working more.... Lucky i don't have to pay for meals at home :P. Ok i am falling asleep. That means sleeep. And i don't think many people can come on a holiday in the holidays. Might need a change of plan!!!