15th April, 7:52am

Ok I admit, my last nights blog was a tad weird.

And hello to a follower! I didn't realise I had two followers! I am amazed you like to read this :P.
Ok i've got to get ready for work....


Tim said...

Apparently you do have two followers :P.
Though I do find myself wondering who lives in curly and starts with G...

emozlie said...

Who USED to live in Curly.....

Yeah, I have a new follower called Angry Ass o.0. My other one is Janine... and I guess you are also an unofficial follower :P

So thats three!

Transistor said...

"oneangryass" = me too, for some reason I have and use 2 Google accounts... don't ask me why, because I have no idea.

Even used to live here... I'm at a loss, but I'm sure its patently obvious. Will have to get you to tell me the story sometime.

emozlie said...

Starts with a G and ends in abby. :P

"I have a PHD in..... DANCING!!!"

Tim said...

God, not him... I get where you're coming from now.

But that movie was brilliant :P.