I think what I've learnt about life and myself over the last year is that nothing is perfect. I'd always wanted relationships, myself, school, life, family, everything to be perfect. Exactly to plan, with no faults. And i suppose that meant I was in denial of myself, because no one is perfect. And i guess I've learnt to accept my faults, mistakes, whatever you want to call them, and not condem others for theirs. I've learnt that there is always two sides to a story. Maybe more. Over the last few years I was always trying to change, depend on the ffuture....but forgot about living now. I'm so glad I've come to know it, because I can;t believe that I once blamed others for their implerfections or it was all their fault when in fact it was mine. Do you get what I mean? When you know your "faults", when you step back and go 'hey, i realised i can be "blah blah blah" ' you come to a new perspective of yourself. And you accept it. For me, thats really helped me get back on track.
I guess all this talk that "men are bastards" has gotten me thinking of it. But in all truth, I've known some worse women than men. I guess we are all trying to change people around us and expect what we want out of them (with friends, relatives) and forget to look at the real issue.
I really would just love to go on a holiday.. watch the stars..... sleep in.. stay up.. run across the beach..

So Emily welcome to reality- imperfection. And never forget that the most imperfect things can often be the most beautiful- hand made glass.