
We have our Year 12 jerseys now..!!

They're great!

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day! (Or as I've heard, Happy Single Awareness Day...)

From thinking about today, I think the greatest lesson I will have to learn is letting myself love another person. Just letting go and (without sounding oh so cheesy) giving your whole self, not holding back incase I want to retreat.. I'm really guarded with my heart (even with friendships) and it seems I never give all of me... to anyone. I'm not trying to wear my heart on my sleeve by any means.. I would just like to work on expressing me, being me without a trillion barriers blocking everything that goes in or out. Also, to be able to say- I am not ok with that, or even saying no... Or saying- get real... I'm ready to admit that even though in the past I've always said "i'm not ready" or "thats silly" or "thats a waste of time" about love or relationships.. I am ready to say that even though I have a whole heap of emotional "things" in my life and I've always tried to run away or protect myself, I have always wanted to let go and just love. But all the "things" get in the way, and I'm scared that the "things" will distort or prohibit me from enjoying the relationship.. I'm going to learn to let go.. and slowly but surely release myself from all the things that have tangled me up...... (haha, almost sounds like wishful thinking!)

Anyway, I had a really great day today. My mood was somewhat normal- and happy! and we got our jerseys... :D.. let's hope it i really need to work on my english!!!!!!