When the silver lining breaks...

Does the cloud escape? Who knows. It's just at times... I wonder why I hang on to such a thin, metallic line that ensentially highlights the cloud, the issue. Whatever you want to call it. I'm going to have to try another medication... more side effects.. Anyway this isn't the time or place for this. For the general public, the author is doing ok, just slightly misplaced. For everyone else who really wants to know- you're better off not asking. Ok, that seemed slightly dramatic. I get a bit carried away. I'm getting there. :)


Anonymous said...

Whatever it is thats going on, I hope it's beginning to sort itself out. Otherwise, (without going all Tulk on you, and because I did mean to say it the other day) I'm always happy to lend an ear or a hand wherever I can.

emozlie said...

Thanks. In some areas its sorting its self out, in others it's not. The thing thats difficult though, I don't know if people (VERY generalised) could handle/help my situation.. but i guess sharing a burden is what we are meant to give to your friends- haha and then you share theirs!! Thanks- (lol i just thought of men in tights- "lend me your ears"- *villagers throw ears*- "thats disgusting!) Anyway my point (rambling again... who cares though, its my blog....) was, thanks, if i do need to talk i will! (:O! You said the 'T' word!)