Apart from a bit of food poisoning, things have been good! (how i regret eating that lovely piece of gozomele (no idea how to spell it), it tasted good at the time but ooh so deadly..)Yesterday i got kissed by a drunk irishman in an irish pub, very random.... Tried some guinness, i think its an accquired taste. Got a hammock yesterday too :D - just need a hammock stand. Saturday night was fun in Manly, "Ola!". Still want to have that mexican party. Big hats, jellybeans and tequila- ola! I'm enrolling at tafe tomorrow... i'm a bit nervous but still pretty excited :D


Janine said...

Yes! Please! A mexican party would be fantastic! I have a sombrero somewhere, and I kind of like tequila, strangely enough. Haha. EMILY WHEN ARE YOU FREE?!?! Ooh how long is TAFE enrolment? Or are you free on Thursday morning?