I hate feeling like this. Sick. Dizzy. Slight nausea. Mind frozen. And sleepy. Once my body is used to it, it'll be alot better. I just really don't like feeling like this.
Finished Brave New World. It was a really interesting read. Went to the library today and borrowed a whole heap of other books... The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby.. thought I'd get into some classics. ANd some poetry.
Yuck, i feel sick. I'm really missing everyone at school. It's so nice to see people when they come in for exams... but then of course they leave, to study, go home. I wish i was doing that. Instead I have to go to class. Pastoral Care. DOn't get me wrong, the year 11's are great. I just really miss our group... i feel somewhat isolated, kinda like the new kid. I'm probably just feeling like this because i'm feeling sick already. I dunno, i guess everyone gets to move on, get on with their life.. do uni, etc. And yet here i am, still in highschool. It's only one year.. i just don't want to loose everyone... I'm just in a crap mood. I'm sure it will be ok. I guess i'm scared of loosing friendships because of distance, or because people have moved on to uni life. I want to move on, believe me! It was really my dream... so i suppose i am mourning a dream? and yet, i've learnt so much about myself.
Reading brave new world got me thinking about happiness. Is it just an induced state of mind? is it something we long to create, to escape the harsh reality? Or can we be truly be happy, by being content, or by God? What has happened when happiness is defined by materialistic gain, physical gratification or how much money is in the bank? The economic world is collapsing, and maybe we should stop and look. Have we wasted our dreams on items bigger and better, and should have been investing dreams into each other? Into family, nature, love? Why do we continue to deny ourselves what we really need, want our soul and spirit needs, even desires to function, yet we supress it with physical attraction, mobile phones or cars. WHy don't we believe in love anymore? In spirituality? In connections to one an other, as human beings? Why can't we tell people what we really think of them? So many questions, so many answers. What is it about human nature that makes it so? Sure, we aren't perfect. How did I get depression? emotional factors? environment? genetics? divorce? Is it simply the absence of real happiness, and i'm denying my true existence or 'me' by taking medication? Making the world seem better? How can my mind turn against me, how do you loose control? Because its unhappy? What has happened to our society? We've lost our minds!
Big ramble. Here's the beginning of a poem i wrote yesterday. Wrote it after reading Brave new world.
Happiness is a state of mind
But read between the lines
A state of naivety
Where the world does not keep its form
But opens
To reveal the glorious chaos
Of our manufactured reality
What defines wrong from right?
The distinction of moral justice
Preconditioned not by choice
To rule
To roam
The realms of one's self.
8:58 PM | Labels: books, brave new world, medication, ramble, rant, school, sick, why | 0 Comments
Ah, school school. But the best thing is i've finishedddddddddddddddddddddddddd !! Well, my hsc this year. :D
I think its rather funny, i decide to write a blog, and when i do, i can't remember what i was going to write.... Hmm well i'm up to 40 mg of fluoxetine! WOOOOO! Not really... hoooopefully it won't turn out like last time.. and i'll have my cognitive whatever back. But today, tomorrow etc, will be filled with headaches dizziness etc. The usual i suppose... I've just been feeling so better lately! I still have my 'downs' but they aren't lasting as long.. which is a good thing.
My life is never boring or normal!!! (normality??? is there such a thing??? )
9:30 PM | | 0 Comments
I've been using yahoo messenger. I like it i think because i can set my status to 'invisible'.
Iwas feeling so good.. and now i just feel.. blah.
I'd like to know what is going on inside my head.
10:42 PM | | 2 Comments
It appears my blogs have turned into a few words here and there. Wow.
Today was really difficult. I got told that I was meant to be absent and was sent home. I have an estimate for my english HSC... but it feels so weird... It used to be my pride and joy... my best subject. My medication is going up again after my bio exam because apparently my cognitive skills haven't come back- hence my inability to beable to process essays. But i am so much better than I was this time last year. I'm aware of everything now and I know how to keep everything under control... well I know what to do and what not to do.
This time last year I was in denial about everything that ever hit me, running on anxiety and trying to do everything for everyone else but myself. I think now though I'm comfortable with accepting my little issues etc because everyone is not perfect. I was trying to be perfect!!
Don't mind me blog, just trying to make myself feel better.
Going back to school though has been really strange... I feel like there's this big age gap or maturity gap. They're all so excited about their HSC and have got it all planned out... oh, the naivety!! It reminds me of how we all were... "I can't believe we're in year 12!! " etc.
In some aspects I feel like I've failed. In others I haven't.. depends on what the marking guidlines are.... i guess i'm not the perfect-average-student-who-does-everything-and-loves-everyone kinda girl anymore. I'm Emily, taking each day as it comes... and focusing on developing myself and my mind, not 100%'s. And until this has all past, i'm going to have to accept that......
No idea where this was going. Anyway I am rather sleepy, althoughI did sleep four hours today already...goodnight xo.
9:18 PM | Labels: blog, depression, hsc, ramble, reflection, stress, student | 0 Comments