Year 12...

So the game has finally started... Year 12. YEAR TWELVE! And I have now dropped maths and it appears I am doing three major works.. hmmm i think I will be able to do it. I've talked to three teachers about it, and they were all like 'follow your heart' (Three teachers said the same thing..) and so that's what i am going to do. I love the quote from the Power of One it says "First with your head and then with your heart" and hopefully that's what i am doing. :).

I've got all but maths back for my prelims.. I did ok! Suprisingly, my worse subject was English... o.0. And my highest has been S&C- with 20/20 for my first essay and 17/20 for my second. :D!

Things have been quite interesting at school socially lately! It's so interesting to see how everything inter-relates and sometimes its just fun to watch how people relate and react to others. Lol, sometimes i'm just so lazy in group situations. :D. i can just observe... But i think that with what has been going on the people involved have handled it beautifully- they have showed a huge amount of emotionally maturity. I doubt anyone from my group actually even reads this, but its great to see how all of you have changed in the last year! Wee for growing up..

And on that note, i must go and read some drama notes. :D


Anonymous said...

Hey, some of us come by from time to time... I agree though, people change heaps in the period of just a year. It's all a big journey.... :-P.

emozlie said...

LOL yes, a big journey.. *starts rambling off english notes...*. Haha thanks for commenting, its good to know someone actually reads this!