[Insert title here]

Apart from having a rather sore butt, I had a fantastic day today! I did a bike ride i've always wanted to do, and ended up at the other side at a random suburb. On;y catch was that it was a valley- great getting down to the middle (I found cascades!!)- but hell getting up the other side. Very accomplishing though, even if i walked a lot of it with my bike, but reminded me of Duke of Ed! My aim is to cut back my walking time and get more fit. So anyway when i reached the top of the otherside, i rode back down (such a great feeling to ride down at a million miles an hour a hill you've just climbed!!!). But then, i had to go up the hill at the start. Ouch. I'd stopped on the way back and had a bit of a sleep/lunch at the cascades, so coming back up I was out of my bike riding zone- was in the "i want to sleep" zone. It was so good to get back into nature and get some exercise, i was going crazy this morning, itching to do anything! 

First week holiday is coming together quite well... just hope we get enough people :D! Oh and that semi date i was talking about, it happened and i think we are both suited to be friends- but i was just happy that i took an interest - and besides, i need to meet a romantic poet! Preferably one not doing a million unit maths. 

I really would love to go to the beach! I haven't been in ages.... as in, the last time i went was like in... january? Feburary? I miss you oh beach! Ooh something else exciting is that i might be moving out.. i mean its still in the early stages yet, but Ash and I have been looking at houses..... And we need to get (if we decide to do it) two more people... it may not happen for a while, but its still really exciting- i feel like i want to start living my own life...  

St Patrick's Day was a blast!! :D No hat though :(. 

Ok I must waste my time on other things... like doing more maths study!