
Emily, think. Stop being ridiculous, think straight. STRAIGHT! Exactly. Major maturity gap. Crap, i wish i was decisive. And not so screwed up in my perceptions of relationships :(. I keep thinking, maybe you need to take a chance, blah blah, because i screwed up last time, but then i am thinking, take a chance on what? What exactly? I should stop thinking... i'm always over thinking. I'll just shut up and stop thinking now.


Tim said...

Hmm... you really seem torn up over this. I'd bet you already know the right thing to do, I'd say don't try to second guess yourself.

(and feel free to ignore me the advice i give with completely no understanding of the situation :-P)

emozlie said...

as per usual i'm being more dramatic than the situation actually is!

Thanks, that helps, I won't second guess myself- I'll go with my gut feeling. Woo for your logicalness! :D